The Perks of Therapy with a Graduate Therapist-in-Training

Written by Val De La Garza + Maria Zaragoza, Graduate Interns Supervised by Kim Fry, LMFT-S

Counseling is a profession that is sometimes viewed as a vocation more than an occupation. Years of studying, modeling, and real-life experience prepares counselors to be the best versions of themselves for clients and their future professions. In order to prepare counselors for “Life Outside of Academia”, the counseling profession requires an internship to help this transition. Graduate internships are done the last two semesters of a counseling program, when the knowledge is fresh and the desire to apply real-life experience is itching to be unleashed.

Okay, so at this point, you might be wondering how this information may be relevant to you >>> We’ve listed the incredible perks of working with graduate interns below.

Fresh Perspectives
Graduate interns inject new energy and diverse perspectives into counseling practices. Coming from various academic backgrounds and life experiences, they offer unique insights that can broaden the scope of therapeutic approaches and deepen understanding of clients' needs. 

Eager Learners
As aspiring counselors, graduate interns are eager to absorb knowledge and refine their skills. Their enthusiasm and hunger for learning create an atmosphere of growth and innovation within the counseling practice, motivating both interns and seasoned clinicians to stay current with the latest research and therapeutic techniques.

Collaborative Learning Environment
Working alongside graduate interns fosters a collaborative learning environment where ideas are freely exchanged, and feedback is valued. Seasoned clinicians have the opportunity to mentor and guide interns, while interns bring fresh ideas and innovative strategies to the table, enriching the collective knowledge base of the practice.

Supervised Support
Interns receive supervision and mentorship from experienced clinicians, ensuring that clients receive high-quality care under the guidance of seasoned professionals. This supervised support not only enhances the intern's professional development but also provides clients with the assurance that their therapeutic journey is in capable hands. At Autonomy Therapy, our graduate interns get specialized training in working with eating disorders, which is a niche specialization not offered at every placement.

Future of the Profession
By investing in the training and mentorship of graduate interns, counseling practices contribute to the future of the counseling profession. Nurturing and empowering emerging counselors ensures a steady influx of skilled professionals who are equipped to meet the evolving needs of clients and communities.

Enhanced Accessibility
Working with graduate interns can make counseling services more accessible to a broader range of clients. Interns offer reduced fees and/or sliding scale options, making counseling more affordable for those who may otherwise be unable to access mental health support. In addition, graduate interns are often more flexible with their scheduling, which helps clients find appointment times. 

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
Interns bring diverse cultural backgrounds, identities, and perspectives to the counseling practice, fostering an environment of inclusivity and cultural competence. This diversity enriches the therapeutic experience for clients and promotes greater understanding and appreciation of differences.

Current Training
Although graduate interns are new to the clinical experience, through their counseling program, they learn the importance of continuous learning in the mental health field. Interns have access to the latest research and up-to-date evidence based practices, such as effective treatment interventions.

Not only do graduate interns help close the gap of accessible quality mental health services, but they are committed to their clients and practice. Would you consider working with a graduate intern? Visit our affordable therapy resource page to learn even more!

If you’re interested in working with one of our amazing graduate interns, fill out a contact form or use our booking page to set up a free 15-minute consultation call. We look forward to hearing from you! 


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