5 Tips to Self-Care When You're Saturated in Diet Culture

Author: Kim Fry, LMFT-S

While the idea of self-care is becoming more popularized (I’m sure we all know by now it isn’t all face masks and bubble baths), it’s downright hard sometimes to feel connected to yourself when you’re being pummeled with diet culture messaging about what you “should” look like, eat, how to move, etc. 

That’s why we’ve put together a list of action items to help prevent your self-worth from sinking when diet culture gets too loud. These recommendations can be used to help you in-the-moment, OR as a way to continue developing intuitive, daily practices:

  1. Do a social media sweep. Do any of the folks you follow on Facebook, Snap, IG, Tik Tok, Twitter, and any of the other millions of social networking sites make you feel less than? It’s time to hit that “unfollow” button ASAP, avoid exposing yourself to content that makes you feel less than. Struggling to unfollow (or can’t, because this person is actively in your life)? Try muting them first, it’ll be our little secret!

  2. Build an intuitive community. We are not setting ourselves up for success when we’re staying surrounded by friends/family/colleagues that still buy into the “thinner is better” mentality. You don’t have to cut these important ties, but you DO have to create space for values-sharing humans in your life. This could mean participating in a therapeutic support group, starting a HAES-informed book club, or requesting to join anti-diet Facebook groups.

  3. Practice daily gratitudes. The way you start your day impacts every minute of it -- if you start your day rushed, you’ll likely move through it stressed and easily overwhelmed. Develop more mindfulness and intentionality by creating time for daily gratitudes. These don’t have to be too detailed, even just 3-5 things you appreciate in your life can make a big difference as far as where your energy goes (i.e. creativity, kindness, curiosity, education, your pet, family, etc).

  4. Limit your screen time. Do you notice yourself mindlessly scrolling on your phone any time you have a quiet moment? This could mean that you’re looking for ways to quickly dissociate during the day, which keeps potential stress that’s been building from ever getting acknowledged and and/or intentionally released. If this sounds like a habit of yours, try to more thoughtfully fill that down time with ways to release stress from the body (i.e. calling a friend, meditating, listening to your favorite music, or a progressive muscle relaxation).

  5. Clean out your closet. Our bodies inevitably change over time, which means that what we wear needs to change with us. If you’ve been hanging onto ill-fitting clothes because you’re hoping your body will shrink, this is another opportunity to grieve diet culture expectations and criticisms. You deserve clothes that feel comfortable and fit your body exactly as it is now.

Now, we want to see these in action! Feel free to tag us on IG when you’re practicing one (or all!) of the above tidbits for a round of applause from us AND a social shoutout!

Do you have a favorite way to self-care when you’re struggling? Email hello@autonomytherapyatx.com and we’ll make sure to share more helpful tips like this with our community!


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