How Your Pet Can Support Your Eating Disorder Recovery

When it comes to eating disorder recovery, finding multifaceted and personalized approaches is essential for long-term healing. At Autonomy Therapy, we believe that there’s a unique recovery fit for everybody and every body. One intervention we especially love is encouraging clients to find opportunities for incorporating their pets into their recovery process. The presence and interaction with animals can provide significant emotional and psychological benefits, aiding individuals in their journey to healing.

The Therapeutic Connection

Animals have a unique ability to offer unconditional love and non-judgmental companionship (cat owners: unless you have cats, in which case you have ~ occasionally judgmental ~ while always loving companionship). For individuals struggling with eating disorders, this connection can be incredibly soothing. Animals don’t criticize or impose expectations; they simply exist, offering companionship and comfort. This can be particularly important for those who feel isolated or misunderstood due to their disorder. For some of us, therapists and pets may also serve as our very first secure attachment; this is outlined in more detail in one of our favorite books, Complex PTSD.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Interacting with animals has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels. The simple act of stroking a pet - cats, dogs, ferrets, bunnies, etc - can release oxytocin, the “love hormone,” while simultaneously lowering cortisol, the stress hormone. For someone battling an eating disorder, these calming effects can help alleviate the intense emotions and anxiety that often accompany their condition. Purring is also known to have a positive impact on health outcomes associated with anxiety, blood pressure, and respiratory issues. 

Encouraging Routine and Responsibility

Animals, especially pets, thrive on routine. Feeding, walking, and caring for an animal can help establish a structured daily schedule. For those with eating disorders, this routine can translate into better self-care practices and more consistent eating patterns. The responsibility of caring for an animal can also shift the focus away from self-critical thoughts and behaviors, promoting a healthier mindset and personal accountability.

Building Trust and Self-Esteem

Eating disorders can severely impact an individual’s self-esteem and trust in themselves. Animals can play a crucial role in rebuilding these aspects. The trust and bond formed with a pet can help individuals regain confidence in their ability to form positive relationships. Moreover, successfully caring for an animal can bolster self-esteem and provide a sense of achievement.

Encouraging Joyful Movement

Physical activity is an important component of recovery, but it can be challenging for those with eating disorders. Animals, particularly dogs, can encourage more intuitive movement in a gentle and enjoyable way. Walking a dog, playing fetch, or even engaging in more rigorous activities like hiking can provide a fun, values-aligned way to incorporate joyful movement into daily life.

Providing Emotional Support

Animals are incredibly intuitive and can sense when their human companions are feeling down or distressed. This emotional support can be a vital resource during difficult times in recovery. The mere presence of a loyal pet can offer comfort and companionship, making the journey to recovery feel less lonely.

Enhancing Social Interaction

Isolation is a common issue for those with eating disorders. Animals can serve as social facilitators, helping individuals feel more comfortable in social situations. Taking a dog to a park, joining a pet-related group, and laughing over silly pet pictures with friends and colleagues can provide opportunities for social interaction - reducing feelings of isolation and promoting a sense of community.

Including more animal love into your recovery is just one more opportunity to ensure you cultivate as much inter- and intra-personal connection as possible into your day-to day. Their unconditional love, ability to reduce stress, encouragement of routine, and promotion of physical activity and social interaction can significantly enhance the healing process. At Autonomy Therapy, we are consistently committed to helping you brainstorm creative, individualized ways to ensure your recovery feels like the best fit for you. 

If you or a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, contact us today to learn more about our work, and how we can support you on the path to recovery! 


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Borderline Personality Disorder & Eating Disorders