Four Key Steps to Enjoy Moving Intuitively Starting Today

Step 1: Start with Values

Most of us don’t realize the immense pressure we put on ourselves to achieve when we exercise. From focusing on specific metrics (like length of time, “calories burned”, distance run, etc) to comparing ourselves to others (i.e. the comparison trap), we miss out on the benefits of movement if the values associated with it are limited. Movement feels much better when we turn our energy toward the support, connection, and energy we can cultivate in it, rather than use it as a way to measure our worth.

Step 2: Therapy & Dietetics

A well-trained therapist and Registered Dietitian will be able to validate, psychoeducate, and challenge you when critical diet thoughts start to creep in. Make mental health a priority and part of your weekly routine! Pro Tip: Look for providers in your area who practice using a weight-inclusive perspective (they're much less likely to promote diet-centric behaviors).

Step 3: Make Movement Fun

You don't have to take movement super seriously! Identify movement that makes you feel happy, grounded, and confident (i.e. playing with animals, walking, skipping, roller skating, swimming, dancing), and then do a LOT more of that. Need recommendations? You can find a whole list when you take our Intuitive Movement Masterclass...

Step 4: Patience is a Virtue

Authentic change takes time, so practice taking tiny, baby steps towards new movement perspectives. We're not trying to change everything all at once, we’re working towards developing an intuitive and compassionate movement practice. Try something new, see how you feel, and then you get to decide if you want to do it again or try something else (pssst, Dr. Edith Eger’s book, The Gift, talks all about this)!


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