How to Find Out If Your Workout Routine is “Working”

Hitting the gym (or pavement) consistently, but not seeing physical changes in your body? Keep reading to learn what you need to really pay attention to in order to start recognizing authentic exercise “results”: 

  1. Better balance and stability

    1. Strengthening your core muscles will improve your stability, posture, and help you to avoid falls. Focusing on balance has also been shown to prevent ankle re-injury and reduce the risk of ligament problems in athletes.

  2. Improved mood + sleep

    1. Exercise helps chronic depression by increasing hormones like serotonin and endorphins in your brain, which helps to regulate mood, sleep and appetite (necessary Elle Woods quote here: “Endorphins make you happy”). Exercise also reduces immune system chemicals that can make depression worse.

  3. Stronger muscles

    1. Doing aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening physical activity at a moderately-intense level can prevent osteopenia and osteoporosis. Strengthening your muscles will also improve your quality of life in addition to reducing your risk of chronic disease!

  4. Increased knowledge retention

    1. Several studies have suggested that the parts of the brain that control thinking and memory are larger in volume in people who exercise than in people who don’t. Exercise increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.

  5. Your libido might get better

    1. Engaging in consistent exercise / movement that increases heart rate, breathing, and muscle activity can actually enhance sexual performance AND sexual satisfaction which (it probably goes without saying) can lead to a better sex life.

Do you want to talk more about improving your relationship with movement? Contact us today to connect with one of our highly trained clinicians!


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